Sunday, 8 November 2015

Know your love.

It's said that when you fall in love, your happiness lies in that of your loved one.
Don't you think that a sad state? I mean what you're actually being told is that you no longer have power over the most important thing. Yes, I do believe that one's own happiness is essential to existence, and not just mere existence, but a significant time here on earth.
I'm not saying that love and all of its beauty is a facade (although it could be), but that love does need not to be like the classics that we read. Times have changed, and whether we like it or not, love and its meaning have changed. It's not all fairy tales anymore or even heart-wrenching tragedy for that matter. Love is what we want, love is a million things all fit into people that we meet, it could be the same person that we meet a million times, or a million pieces of what we love embedded into a million people.
We don't know yet and I don't think that we ever will. And maybe that's the beauty of it, maybe we don't know because we need something to keep us going, love drives us-where? I have no idea? We just go with the flow until we reach an end and still don't understand.
Love isn't about finding your happiness in someone else's, it's about sharing it with another person, it's about finding that place in the middle where you both smile and let time do its thing. It's about living in the moment and knowing that the moment could last forever. 

Sunday, 21 June 2015

A different race altogether.

There’s the life that we live and the other one that people think we should live. 

As I think of  it, there are even some emotions that I don't really feel but I think of how that this is the way people expect me to behave in that particular situation and so I do. But they aren't the ones in my place and they don't feel what I do, they can only see whats on the outside. All those emotions running through me are something I don't ever think I will be able to explain. In fact, I don't see the need to. 
Honestly if I needed someone to fight my battles for me I would have asked them to do so but as long as I am able to do this on my own I think its alright. I understand that they mean no wrong and they probably are just worried about what I’m doing with my life but I also believe that we need to give each other the liberty to make mistakes and learn from them. If you care, then just be there when I turn around after a mistake, when I’m at the starting line all over again.
Life might be a race but not in the way that people make it sound. It’s a race with the situations, the emotions that come along with every person that enters our life. In a race you fall and you're out, while in this particular one where you're the only one running you can make that mistake and start over, and keep doing so until you take your last breath.