Sunday, 8 March 2015

Those seat belt lies.

There are many instances in life to which we attach certain set views but they aren’t always true. They're just lies we tell each other and ourselves to make the world seem right, to justify its mistakes, its flaws. But, it doesn't work that way maybe because actions really do speak louder than words. And that will probably not change so should we accept the fact that a few things in the world aren't right and that's not going to change either?
I'm not saying that everything we term as wrong is a protected right, it's not. But, maybe we should stop trying to protect ourselves from the world and finally step out there to face it. Face it once and keep doing so until it doesn't seem scary enough to hide from anymore.
Take going to high school for example, parents will say that popularity and the concept of it isn't right and we'll agree. We will even go to the lengths of talking against popularity every once in a while. But let's admit it, at the back of our minds we did wish for it and bask in its unexplainable glory. It's everyone's story and it's true but not one of us will admit it. Why not? Because everyone told us that it was wrong? Who taught us that? Our parents, elders, and all those people who went through the same thing but denied it and continue to do so.  Even if they admit it to themselves, on the outside they will continue to tell us otherwise. 
Every generation will come out to say that they will be a different one and that they will bring change into the world. What happens to them? They get stuck in the whirlwind of lies and false beliefs. 
What it is that we are trying to shield ourselves from?If the storm is going to come, well then it’s just going to come no matter what we say or do. Nothing will be safe enough to save us from ourselves. It is when we are content with ourselves that we are really safe because lets admit it, it’s human tendency to protect ourselves. It takes so much courage and strength to harm oneself and we mortals are too afraid to do so. What we need to do is be honest with ourselves. There are very few people who actually do that because it’s hard to see the glass of safety and protection shatter into a million pieces. But you know what? Once it falls, there is no feeling more liberating because the time we have lived our life in fear of something hurting us and something going wrong. The day we stop lying to ourselves is the day that we take that power away from everyone who ever crossed paths with us.
These lies that we tell ourselves are like seat belts. They give a sense of safety and make us feel as though we cannot be harmed but when we crash into something we will still feel the pain. If we keep trying to cover up the truth to be comfortable, one day the impact will be too big and that seat belt won't be able to help us. Maybe it isn't always necessary to wear a seatbelt, until and unless you're in the car, well because that's the law and you or I shouldn't meddle with that. Stay safe.  

These lies that we tell ourselves are like seat belts. They give a sense of safety and you feel as though you cannot be harmed but when you crash into something you will still feel the pain. If we keep trying to cover up the truth and make ourselves comfortable, one day the impact will be too big and that seat belt isn't going to help us. 

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